The Liebster Award!

Today I got my first blog award nominee!!!!! Yay! Thank you Lovely miss Vanilly, my fellow makeup addict! Make sure you check out her blog HERE.

For those of you who do not know the LIEBSTER AWARD is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  Liebster is German for  sweetest, kindest, nicest, Isn’t that lovely? what an amazing honour. Blogging is about having a voice. Showing the world your loves and thoughts your hopes and dreams (even if those dreams are about lashings of mascara). Blogging is a wonderful creative output and there are plenty of amazing people writing wonderful words for you to read so get clicking!


The instructions of the Liebster Award are:

 *Thank your nominator and link their blog

*Write 11 facts about yourself

*Answer 11 questions that your nominator set for you and devise you own set of 11 questions.

*Tag 5 or 11 other blogs for the award, they must have less than 200 followers. Don’t forget to inform them and link back your post so they know the details

Well I think I already did the first instruction but to really make sure I´ve covered it… THANKS AGAIN gorgeous Gilly Vanilly! 😉

Here is 11 facts about me;

1. I always start my days with coffee and a cookie.

2. I talk to myself whenever I need to figure things out.

3. I sing loudly in the shower.

4. I love books! To read, to look at, to decorate with etc etc

5. I suck at being practical….style before comfort anyday! 😉

6. I hate to pack when I travel, always gives me anxiety. May have something to do with fact 5…

7. I spoil my sphynx kitties.

8. I always have some kind of nailpolish.

9. I am slightly obsessed by handbags and probably have too many if you ask a sane person.

10. I am a good listener.

11. I have the bestest handyman fiancée whos wife I´ll be next year!


Miss Vanilly´s questions for me;

1.  If you could only pick one product to represent your style what would it be?

Well if we talk about makeup (so I can´t say nailpolish 😉 ) it probably is lipstick. If I can´t wear anything else I go for lipstick cuz it´s easy, fast and can add a pop of color to any dull day!

2.  what inspires you to blog?

The hope of that I can inspire and/or help someone with their wellbeing.

3. where would you live if you could pick anywhere?

Hm, probably somewhere warm but for now I am just where I like to be. 🙂

4. What city would you like to visit?

Always dreamt of Paris and on friday we´ll be going! Yay!

5. Whats your favourite food?

I love food. Period. But if I have to say something I think dumplings has a special place in my heart.

6. whats your guilty pleasure?

Just one?! 😉 Coffee. Cookies. Candy. Oh and playing WOW, but hush…

7. who makes you happy?

My finacée without a doubt! There is noone that knows me better, gets me better and knows how to handle me better! 😉

8. Whats your favourite song?

A tu manera with my talented friend Raúl Lara y sus soneros. Great message and great rythms!

9. What languages can you speak?

Swedish, of course since it´s my native tongue, English, German and Spanish.

10. What is your hidden talent?

I don´t hink I have found it yet…all is out and open! lol

11.Tell us a secret…

See question 6. Hush…. ;P



My questions for my lovely nominees;

1. Less or more?

2. What do you obsess about?

3. If you were an animal, what would it be?

4. What´s the one thing in your beauty routine that you never skips?

5. How long have you been blogging?

6. If you could meet any person, dead or allive, who would it be?

7. One pair of Manolo Blahniks or 7 pair of knock offs?

8. If you find yourself with a coupple of hours free to do anything you like, how would you spend them?

9. What´s the last thing you do before you sleep at night?

10. Do you have a nickname, and if so what is it?

11. Who is your hero?


And, drumroll…….here is my nominees!


Monty the Sphynx





I hope you enjoy their blogs like I do!



The daily Sphynx; now with dialogue!


Picture one;
The little cat (Cleo): It’s something under our pillow!
The chubby cat (Kyra): What?

Picture two;
The little cat: It really is something under our pillow!!!
The chubby: Oh yes it is!

Picture three;
The little cat: ?
The chubby cat (with the hot temper): I’ll take it! I’ll take it! I’ll take it!!!

Picture four;
The little cat and the chubby cat in chorus: Where did it go???
