Todays makeup; cool in cucumber!

I actually had some time to play with my own makeup today! Yay! Still fun but oh so much harder than to make others prettier! 😉 Now I’m gonna eat something fast and prepare for my students to come!


All eyeshadows are from FÄRG and can be found at
I used “björk”, “lindblomma”, “kaffe” and “grädde” for this look. “Nougat” and “peppar” on the brows abd the hint of rouge you can see is “aster”. I love that thees shadows are multifunctional!


So it’s been a while….

I know. Waaaay too long. So what have I been up to since last time? I am now certified in lashextension! 🙂 And I got a new job as a makeupteacher! Yay and hooray! Got many more exciting things coming too! 😉 BUT I’m planning on getting back here!

Todays look is all about the lips! Isadora Zinfandel. Very autumny, don’t you think? 😉

