
So maybe I need to accept my defeat. The cold has hit me. My throat is soar and my body weak, oh glory! Meaning there will be no pictures of me today, lmao. Thank god I am “only” working my danceclasses today…

Has been searching the web today for new dancewear. I think I need to kick my dancewardrobe up a notch. Especially for my latin jazz class. And boy did we have a blast yesterday! Soooo much fun!









What do you think? Can dancewear be stylish? Think I can rock any of the above? 😉


Grammy para Lara, por favor!!!

So it´s closing in, this years Grammys! Are you gonna watch? I sure am! This year it is extra specially fun for me and my fiancé cuz we have a close friend nominated! Cross all your fingers for Raúl Lara y sus soneros who is nominated for best tropical latin album for his album Cubano Soy! Rolando, who plays congas and is Raúls brother, is like family to us so it is indeed very close to our hearts. I used a lot of their music for my Latin Jazz classes and am sure I will continue to! Check out his site HERE, or listen on Spotify!



Who pissed the weather god off?!?!

So… Who of you pissed the weather god off?! Seriously! When I went to work this morning it was raining. Now just a few hours later it’s snowing!!! No wait, raining. Nope, snowing… As I told you in my previously post I’m working extra in the boutique today and with this schizophrenic weather I’ll probably be customer-less for most of the day… Which is kinda good since I’ll be having time to prepare lots of dance classes! 😉 Luckily one of my classes tonight is Latin jazz! I could sure need some heat from latino rhythms in this cold and horrible weather!!!


The view from one of my windows today. Uplifting. Not. 😉 I can also add that they are redoing something on the house so we’re built in with construction thingies… Hooray! So now I get to focus on preparing classchoreography to Hector Lavoes El Cantante so I get my good mood back! 😉
And I have to add…whilst writing this it stopped. Neither raining nor snowing now. Looks like maybe even the sun will show it’s face soon?!?! Schizophrenic weather indeed…

Party @ work!

Ikväll är det party på jobbet! I alla fall tycker jag att det känns så när jag jobbar måndagkvällar. 🙂 Ikväll är det nämligen dags för High Heels och Latin Jazz på Dansforum. Mina elever har alltid så härlig energi, jag njuter av varje sekund och dessutom är det något speciellt med latin musik! Det liksom rycker i varje muskel i kroppen och det är omöjligt att stå still! Jag ska förtränga Sveriges vinterslask ute och drömma mig bort till latinamerika till tonerna av Hector Lavoes och Celia Cruz fantastiska röster. Vill ni rymma bort från rusket ute så vet ni vart jag finns! 🙂


Pöss på er!